Pre-Marital Coaching
Pre-Marital Coaching
The Proposal....
You both said yes!
You are nervous and excited at the same time.
Venues, photographers, the dress, the tuxedo, family, friends and invitations are added to your to do list.
The wedding... whether big or small will merely be a memorable celebration, but MARRIAGE last FORVER.
Premarital counseling can reduce your rate of divorce by 30%. So why not learn the skills needed to help you start on the right foot before you say, “I DO”.
Participate in Prepare/Enrich……one of the most reputable national and international recognized marital programs. Prepare/Enrich offers custom tailored exercises to enhance your relationship and explore your strengths and areas of growth as a couple.
Schedule your premarital counseling session today and receive valuable feedback, assessment, and lifetime relationship goals from a certified Prepare/Enrich facilitator.
***Faith-based sessions available